Thursday 12 January 2012

Exciting news!

I know that I haven't posted in like a week or so, life has been rather busy! Which I know is a pretty poor excuse, but it's true. 

Let me first start with the BIG news... I'm getting my own website! It will have my photography and blog on. I'm actually so excited! Basically, I know a web designer. I contacted him asking if he could make me a website and so he said yes. It should be up and running in a couple of weeks. The web address is I wanted but it was already taken. I can't describe my excitement. But as I've already said I'm excited a million times then you can probably guess I mean it. 

As a result of this, it really made me think about what I want to do with my life in terms of career. A couple of weeks ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do after college. My plan at the moment is to be a photographer. 

A couple of months ago, this person I know said that Limelight (the photography studio in Guildford) were looking to train people up in photography. I didn't do anything about it though. However, on Saturday, I'm going to go in and ask. I flipping hope they! It's all part of my plan. If they say that they are and they will train me up then I'm going to leave college. I want to be trained part time at Limelight and then work part time at McDonalds so I have money coming in. Once I've got a lot of experience from Limelight, I want to start up my own photography business. The only problem with this is that finding somewhere in Guildford for a studio is going to be so expensive! That's my plan. 

Thursday 5 January 2012

Sorry it has been a while since I last blogged. I've been pretty busy recently being back at college and everything. I had a Music Tech assignment due in yesterday in which I left to the night before - typical me! I was so tired from staying up until the early hours of the morning that I fell asleep when I got home from college. 

Since I decided to try and loose some weight this year, Kaytei asked if I wanted to jogging with her. Now I suck at jogging/running and I probably look like a right idiot when I jog. Who cares? I now got to go out and buy new trainers because I threw away the ones I used for PE at school. Hopefully I get them in the sale if there's any left. I'll let you know how the jogging goes.

I'm also meeting up with Charlotte today after college! I have seen her since results day I think. That's 5 months! We had such good IT and English lessons together. I do miss her, can't wait to see her again. 

I've just notices that this post is really disjointed, it's all over the place. Sorry! I think it's because I haven't blogged in ages so I just want to fill you in with what's going on. 

So what have I done today? Well I got up and went into college and did some Business Studies revision. Currently, I'm sitting in Costa Coffee on Godalming high street. Where they can rip you off on everything. £1.70 for a small tea pot. Which does 2 small cups. All it is hot water, a tea bag and milk! It;s going cold as well because I'm typing. Also in this Costa, its either really old people or mums with young, annoying and loud children. Nothing inbetween. Ok my tea is so cold, it past being drinkable! What a waste of £1.70. At college, I can get a medium tea for 90p! It's way better than this. Rant over. I hope the staff didn't see this as they were walking past.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Statistics, statistics, statistics...

I hate the fact how I can see so many statistics about my blog. How many views, how many in which countries, what browsers people have used, what operating system people have used. The list goes on and on. I find myself constantly looking at the stats. Every 10 minutes when I'm on my laptop. Have I got some more views? What countries? What browser?  

I really shouldn't be bothered about the statistics but I guess it could be a male thing. But then at the same time, I don't really know of any guys who blog. As many famous YouTubers  say: "you shouldn't make videos to get YouTube fame but because you enjoy doing it." I feel that the same principles apply here. Why would by blog get thousands of hits every day? Some random 16 year old going on and on about nothing. However, I guess it's good knowing you have people reading your blog and from what countries. It should be a great tool so that you can help target those countries so you can build on your global audience.

So what am I trying to say about the statistics? I shouldn't get so bogged down in them. Neither should I be worried about how many views I am getting. I should be using the statistics to my advantage so I can make this blog a lot more interesting. Finally and most importantly, I should blog because I enjoy it, which I do! 

Sunday 1 January 2012

Hello 2012.

Happy new year!

As you may have gathered, it is now 2012. I celebrated the new year with the family and friends. We had a three course dinner at about 8:30 and then played games until just before midnight. In our house, we don't have one single TV, which many people find hard to believe, so we didn't watch the fireworks in London on TV. How did you celebrate the new year?

Many people make new year resolutions. However, I am very cynical about these things that we make at the start of a new year. This is because, in my experiences, they are never kept. I always broke my new year resolutions when I made them. I don't know if it is just me who finds them hard to keep. Once you have broken one, you always break the others. You then spends the next few days feeling like shit because you couldn't keep them. You then question why you even thought you could do it and you go into a massive downwards spiral. Another reason why I don't like them is because, at the end of the day, the 1st of January isn't any different to the 31st of December. It's just a new day, like all other 365 days in the year. Therefore, if you want to change something about you (e.g. quit smoking), why wait until the new year? It's a new day the next day so start then. Anyway, that's how I feel. I hope I didn't just make you really depressed about the new year, sorry.

2012 is supposed to be the end of the world. On the 21st of December 2012, the world will end. I don't believe that the world will end. There have been so many predictions in the past about the world ending and we're still here. However, there is something different about this prediction, it is based on the Mayan Calendar. I don't full understand it but it basically ends on the 21st December 2012. There has been so much media and hype about it, in some ways, it does feel like it could happen. However I'm pretty confident it won't. If the world does end, then I hope you had a good Christmas because it would of been your last. 

On a lighter note, what are my plans for the year? Well, I don't really have that many plans or ambitions for the year. Maybe get a girlfriend, but only if the right girl decides to show up. I'm not really that bothered about having a relationship or not. They're expensive! I would like to loose some weight. More importantly, keep it off! I would also like to pass all my AS courses at college.I would also like to be really materialistic and spoil myself by getting an iPad 3 when it hopefully comes out in March. Finally, I would like to find a better paid job. However that is more for later on in the year. 

Saturday 31 December 2011

Goodbye 2011.

Well here I am, sitting at my desk in my bedroom drinking tea, reflecting on 2011. A lot has happened this year, mainly good things. I'm just trying to remember what bad things have happened. 

As a result of finishing my GCSEs, I had the longest summer holiday to date. Three months of freedom. The first week was the best. I didn't have to do any revision, I could just chill out and relax. By the second week, I was bored and missing school. For the five years I was there, I couldn't wait to get out. Now that I was out, I wanted to go back. The human mind is really confusing at times like these. I think what I missed most was the people, I had a big friendship group and knew most people. Suddenly, we were all going our separate ways. The group was divided. St. Peter's Sixth Form VS Godalming College. 

I remember results day as if it was yesterday. Getting a lift into school with my mum, I told her to wait in the car. Who wants their mum to be there when you open your results? I walked up to the library, or the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), as my school called it. I saw my friends standing in the corridor waiting for more people to arrive before they went in to get their results. I decided to join them. However a very good friend of mine turned up, we didn't want to wait. We decided that we shouldn't put it off any longer and just see what our results are. We walked into the library and went over to the table, I said my name and they handed me a brown envelope and ticked my name off the list. My friend and I went back out to the corridor. We were holding an envelop which would change the future. I needed 5 GCSEs A* - C to get into Godalming College. I'm not the most academic person but I was quite confident I had done this. If I didn't I wouldn't be able to go to Sixth Form. I had only applied to Godalming College. I achieved 11 GCSEs A* - C. 

The 13th of September was the first day of college. I was so nervous. I got the the train station and saw people who I knew, thankfully. The train was delayed by half an hour. Typical. When the train arrived, I was even more nervous. I was having doubts about whether I had made the right decision. When I got to college, I knew I had. 

So here I am, one term into to college. I can't wait to finish! I hate Product Design. Music Tech is way too much work. Business Studies is boring. Photography is awesome! If I could, I would drop everything except Photography. 

The best thing that has happened this year is I got a job! Yes, a job. I am now a hard working citizen. I am a chef in a restaurant... McDonalds! You're probably sat there reading this and thinking: "You're not a chef!". Well, it's not my job title, but technically I am. I prepare food in a restaurant. I absolutely love it there. Yes the pay's not brilliant, but everyone is so friendly, I get on with almost everyone there. I feel like I have to give someone the best burger that they have ever tasted. Customer satisfaction definitely motivates me. My mum said to me: "Think of it this way, with every burger you make, you sending someone to their grave early.". Thanks mum for your support. 

Bring on 2012. The end of the world.